Who is a person?

1.1. Each person is unique, single and unrepeatable (and is forever). One’s dignity does not depend on some social convention or some code of law, but (it) is a person’s original, intangible and perennial quality. Every person is educable, can give and receive education, regardless of one’s age, sex, culture, social affiliation.

1.2. It is important to recognize that every person is a bearer/carrier of needs as well as dispositions. By needs we mean an imbalance, a state of necessity in which an equilibrium has undergone a rupture; it is also a gap, that if not filled, generates a problem or a state of discomfort. These needs are also triggered by human needs, the condition of being in need, and the lack of well-being. Moreover, each person has a system of dispositions, or inclinations or desires (attitudes) to do something. In every disposition there is an unmanifested possibility/capacity, which is realized only under certain conditions. This disposition (provision) must be understood in the widest sense of capacity, potential, talent, possibility: in this sense, the disposition is a fundamental primitive concept.

1.3. For this reason, this natural (that is, inherent in the same human nature) condition, as an organized system of dispositions, each person is oriented to the maximum realization of oneself, independently of the existential conditions, which may be characterized as historical, evolutionary, material, cultural and biological.

1.4. The person, so understood, is a value, a resource in itself, for the present and also for the future: this very condition of fragility marks its value, precisely because in this fragility there is always an element of possibility. In this way, we can imagine/think of the fragility of a human being at birth, and the undefined potentialities carried within himself.

1.5. Another constitutive condition of the person is relationality: the human person is an intimately and substantially relational being. The person is realized and grows in relationship with others.

1.6. Moreover, the person is a citizen and is the bearer of rights (first of all to be, to exist) and duties.

1.7. The person is always situated in one’s historical, social, cultural, affective and relational context.

1.8. The recipient of a center for intergenerational education is that person who is in all moments of life, from infancy to old age, in which he presents needs and provisions that must be accepted, understood and put at the service of his own growth, of the growth of others, and the growth of the human community.

1.9 The baggage of life experiences characteristic of each person is an essential element in the planning of the intergenerational center and of every educational intervention that one intends to achieve.

1.10 Every person is a bearer of fragility, resources and values: this applies to recipients, families as well as operators, managers, educational staff and also to all people who, for various reasons (personal or institutional, singular or collective) become part of an educational process.

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