Sivistysliitto Kansalaisfoorumi (SKAF)
Kansalaisfoorumi is a Finnish nationwide liberal adult education institution with 12 full-time employees. We aim at promoting active citizenship, community values and democracy through non-formal education and cultural projects. We provide educational, cultural and developmental services to civil society organizations and individuals interested in personal growth and life-long learning.

University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
The School of Educational Sciences and Psychology combines the competences of adult education, education, special pedagogy, psychology and counselling. The key to our operation is formed by the basic and postgraduate education of experts in these fields and related research. The university comprises of four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies.

VITECO is a provider of technologes for long-distance training and it is leader in e-learning sector, having its own e-learnig platform and a soil expertise on open source platforms. Its core business is based on VET and development of web-baed solutions for collaborative learning and educational content managment with a special focus on the development of hard and soft skills in several fields.

The Autokreacja Foundation aims at fostering the active participation in a civil society through various initiatives in the field of social economy. We contribute to the civilizational, cultural and economic development of Poland. We want to put the spotlight on problems of diverse social groups that are often marginalized, that is why we focus on cooperation with long-term unemployed, youth, eldery people, immigrants and refugees.

Universita Degli Studi di Trieste (UNITS)
The University of Trieste, founded in 1924, is a medium-sized university which boasts a wide and almost complete range of university degree programmes. It currently has 10 departments (Economic,Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; Engineering and Architecture; Humanities; Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies; Mathematics and Geosciences; Medicine, Surgery

Ljudska Univerza Rogaska Slatina (LURS)
Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina is a non-profit adult education and training provider for the community in the local region and wider with a rich tradition. Organization offers its learners 10 formal educational programmes that include both secondary schools and vocational training programmes in the field of catering, gastronomy, cookery, sales, economy, childcare or tourism.

Abilities Career Training Attitude (ACTA)
The European Centre for Socio-professional Integration ACTA is a non-governmental organisation which promote the educational activities, professional skills development of young people and adults in order to be able to adapt and to integrate effectively in a dynamic society, as well as involvement in the social integration of people at risk of social exclusion.